Saturday, October 21, 2006

Who wants to go for coffee?

So I have been just going nut bar this week. Here is why. In 1999 at world championships in Sweden I made a bet with Andrew Shandro, he bet I would be drinking coffee before I turned 25. I bet I would not be drinking coffee before 25. Well I turned 25 a couple weeks ago and I would say I won that bet. 7 years but it was worth it. But now I am making up for lost ground. Well I don't have any coffee making products so I did some sweet Macgyver action and check out the photos. Kurt calls it cowboy coffee, “I am a cowboy!” I rode today and tore everyone a new one, and at hockey yesterday oh man just forget about it. The coffee is making a real difference, if I would have been drinking coffee since 99 I would be world champion, for all the kids out there start drinking coffee today! I got a new room mate this week, Nikki, and now its full a house. In regards to Nikki moving in the quote of the day goes to Rhys, “so I hear you have a new room mate? Wow your place just went from a sweet bachelor pad to uh oh” Today I just cooked a turkey and it was full on wicked good. I will be working on Kiboshing the leftover turkey all next week and making some proper turkey sandwiches. If you got any ideas on turkey left overs please leave a comment. Mmmm turkey. I need some of the turkey to help make me sleepy cause the coffee is making me go mental. So if anyone wants to go for coffee I am down. Count me down. Let me know “I don't know I've had many cafe latte's” Cosmo Kramer. Go Canuck's go, but whats up with all the OT?

Kurt feeling the love.
but I dont wanna be a cowboy.


Connor said...

By Coffee, do you meant SPEED!?! Because I know you really want to be the champ, and Now I'm getting a little bit of that "My name is Floyd Landis, I say I drink a lot of alchohol before my miricle ride so that when I get busted for insane testosterone levels I have already pre-explained it" vibe to your blog. And man, I have seen people drink about 10 energy drinks with about 5 times the caffine of expresso in each one, and they don't go as crazy as you!!! I'm calling UCI!

Anonymous said...

Rikki just breathe, slow down, take a deep breath and just breath......... You do seem a little wired lately hee hee. Nikki

Anonymous said...

favorite seinfeld quote "If this wasn't my daughters wedding I would turn around and knock you out you anti-dentite basterd"

Anonymous said...

"If this wasn't my daughters wedding I would turn around and knock you out you anti-dentite basterd"

Anonymous said...

oops on the repeat