Friday, August 05, 2011

Welcome back Summer!

Oh summer time, and the livin is easy! Connor is here from Calgary So I've been playing to much this week. Riding and kayaking like there's no tomorrow. Also skied baker again on monday, happy bc day right? I cant believe the amount of snow still up high! its crazy!
Max at the top of sumas ready to hit the knob gobbler.

Connor shredding some gnar, Yeah bro send it!

Grandpa caught a 19lb salmon on the fraser river! mmm them good eatin.

Mt baker hike in.

Baker base camp, first time with the new jet boil. the thing is just awesome boils water in like a minute! boo yeah. I guess I can drink more coffee now!

getting nice and sun burnt on the glacier.

Melanie wondering why she came?

summit shot of mt baker! what a beautiful day!

Cleaning up camp. my pants got wet from the corn snow so they are just drying out on the rocks. plus I wanted to fit in with all the euros and their short shorts, who wears short shorts? I wear short shorts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude man if you're gonna wear short need to shave those legs!!!!